Mezzanine Floor Access Ladder – Mezzalad

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The Mezzalad is a Mezzanine Ladder that provides safe and quick access to mezzanine floors. Completely Australian made, this ladder is space-saving and easy-to-use. With fast and simple installation, they can be easily installed in the workplace. Featuring a unique storage mechanism, the ladder can be positioned flat against a wall when not in use. When required, simply lift and pull and Mezzalad is ready for climbing. This ensures the unit is out of the way for a safer workplace.

The unit also features a Safety Gate on the upper floor level it leads to, to minimise any potential risks. Two handrails assist climbing, so operators feel safe at all times. The StockMaster Mezzalad utilises space and helps facilities reach new heights with ease.

Additional Information

Utilise space like never before with a convenient foldaway ladder!

Unlike other ladders, the StockMaster Mezzalad folds into a wall for complete storage. This unique mechanism ensures operators don’t have to battle trying to set up the ladder or awkwardly strain to move the device into place. The Mezzalad is fastened to the upper level (that requires access) and simple life and pull action sets the ladder up ready for use.

The Mezzalad Ladder ensures comfortable and secure climbing!

With a 60 cm wide step, this distance between handrails ensures the Mezzalad is comfortable and safe to use. Featuring two handles for assisted climbing, users can feel secure when accessing a new level. The unit’s handrails also extend 90 cm past the upper floor, so support is continued for safe entry and confident climbing. A safety gate is provided for the upper floor as well. This maintains a railings integrity and eliminates any falling risks from the top, as the gate can be opened or closed while the operator is standing on a higher level. The ladder is fastened to the upper floor, for fast and simple installation. The ladder can also be used at multiple locations with the use of additional fixing Mezz-Bracket sets.

Choose the right sized ladder for your task!

The most popular and cost-effective Mezzalad’s are available in the standard 4 sizes from 2330 mm to 3225 mm (SML11, SML12, SML13 and SML14). These units automatically adjust to suit heights and come complete with powder coated handrails. They are available for order.

We also offer a custom built range to supplement the standard sizes. These are sized from 655 mm to 2350 mm and 3290 mm to 4700 mm. These are also ‘made to order’ and will involve a slight delay due to the customisation. Custom built ladders are supplied with a Safety Gate, however, the side handrails are not powder-coated. We’re happy to provide more information regarding this option.


Mezzalad Ladder Drawing and Dimensions

Code Incline A B C D E (Max)
SML5 60-70 1310 1420 600 835 1440
SML6 60-70 1420 1545 640 900 1455
SML7 60-70 1545 1675 690 970 1475
SML8 60-70 1675 1820 745 1050 1495
SML9 60-70 1820 1975 800 1130 1515
SML10 60-70 1975 2145 860 1225 1545
SML11 60-70 2145 2330 930 1325 1570
SML12 60-70 2330 2529 1000 1395 1580
SML13 60-70 2529 2744 1080 1540 1625
SML14 60-70 2744 2977 1165 1670 1665
SML15 60-70 2977 3225 1255 1795 1695
SML16 60-70 3225 3385 1310 1880 1705
SML17 60-70 3385 3675 1420 2035 1760
SML18 60-70 3675 3990 1535 2205 1805
SML19 60-70 3990 4280 1640 2360 1840

All dimensions above are in mm. 

Mezzalad Ladder Drawing Height

View other similar products within this range!

Mezzalad makes the ideal companion for our Mezzalift Mezzanine Goods Lift. The Mezzalad ensures personnel access to a mezzanine floor, whereas the Mezzalift ensures goods can be lifted to the same floor.

Click the PDF button to learn more.

Product Variations

Image Description Product Code Price (excl. GST)  

Suit mezzanine height: 1310-1420mm


Suit mezzanine height: 1420-1545mm


Suit mezzanine height: 1545-1675mm


Suit mezzanine height: 1675-1820mm


Suit mezzanine height: 1820-1975mm


Suit mezzanine height: 1975-2145mm


Suit mezzanine height: 2145-2330mm


Suit mezzanine height: 2330-2529mm


Suit mezzanine height: 2529-2744mm


Suit mezzanine height: 2744-2977mm


Suit mezzanine height: 2977-3225mm


Suit mezzanine height: 3225-3385mm


Suit mezzanine height: 3385-3675mm


Suit mezzanine height: 3675-3990mm


Suit mezzanine height: 3990-4280mm


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