Powered Tugs Food Service Movers
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In busy work environments, like hospitals and healthcare facilities, caution and safety is exceptionally important. Meal System Movers allow staff the ability to freely move heavy goods without fear of crashing into other equipment, medical staff or patients. They’re simple to use and easy to adopt in your workplace.
Additional Information
Delivering meals in hospitals, aged care facilities and other healthcare operations is an extremely demanding task. Manually transporting trolleys filled with trays of food increases the risk of back and side strains. As food units can be quite large in size, views and clear paths are obstructed, often resulting in accidents and collisions.
One of our special Meal System Movers is the Transpak Powered Trolley – a powerful drive system that overcomes manual effort and makes light work of meal deliveries. The compact assembly comes complete with its own chassis, swivel castors, battery pack and control unit (with Tiller steering and Twist Grip). This unit effortlessly moves food trolleys, bain-maries and cook/chill units.
- Carries up to 500 kg
- Compatible with all meal delivery systems including those from Burlodge, Socamel and Versigen
- Frame size can be customised to suit your requirements

You can also combine our Tug Compact (as shown in our Electrodrive Powered Tugs range) with a customised hitch to safely transport meal delivery carts (as shown in picture). With a wide range of benefits, the Tug Compact moves trolleys and wheeled objects with ease and its compact nature is ideal for moving around tight corridors.
- 500 kg towing capacity
- Customised hitch suits all pods and mobile meal delivery systems
- Compact and easy-to-use

Want more?
See other similar products in our healthcare range. We have amazing Bed Movers for hospital and aged care facilities, Linen Movers perfect for laundry services and a variety of waste handling solutions.
Click the PDF button to learn more.