Collision Alert Sensors Office Door Monitor

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Office Door Monitor provides the ultimate protection for office doorways, preventing pedestrians and individuals from walking into forklift traffic. Before they pass through the door, the unit detects motion on the other side and signals an alert to advise of the potential hazard.

These units are your primary line of defence as they help create awareness at doorways. Perfect for any office that leads out to a frequently trafficked area, where potential collisions can occur.

Additional Information

Alert your office of a hazard!

The Office Door Monitor will have your workplace operating safely and efficiently. Its informative sensor system alerts office personnel of forklift activity before they enter a warehouse or facility. The system flashes its lights to acknowledge the hazard on the other side of the wall.

Office Door Monitor Basic Diagram collision awareness

How does it work?

The unit can be mounted over any doorway. Its remote sensor is installed on the opposite side of the door. When movement is detected on the trafficked side, the sensor is activated and begins flashing. This alerts the pedestrians on the other side of wall to know of the potential hazard before they have even opened the door. This response system prevents accidents from occurring as the flashing LED captures the attention of any staff. This set-up is depicted in the below diagram.

Office Door Monitor Sensor Diagram

Top view highlighting the Office Door Monitor on one side of the wall, and the sensor on the other.


Installation is incredibly easy with the Office Door Monitor, as you simply plug the unit into an outlet and you’re ready to go.

Require a different type of alert system?

Then view our wide range of Collision Awareness products, that are designed for easy recognition of hazardous situations.

Click the PDF button to learn more.

Product Variations

Image Description Product Code Price (excl. GST)  

Office Door Monitor
Boxes – 1 micro enclosure
Lights – 2 small
Sensors – 1 remotely mounted


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