Work Positioner Programmable Ergo Control®

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Ergo Control® is a unique 3-axis programmable work positioner providing full position flexibility to manage any job, including heavy, large and awkwardly shaped projects.


Ergo Control® is ideal for secure positioning of any object for any project, no matter what size or shape. This programmable work positioner offers unlimited applications in any industry and is advantageous in any shop floor or work area.

Standard Features

  • Offers full flexibility to move work to any work positions.
  • Adaptable to any work fixtures.
  • Always ensures the correct work sequence.
  • Easy to program via handheld pendant and to operate via foot pedal. Each time the foot pedal is pressed the work piece is moved to the next programmed position.
  • Large program capacity for storage of operations to suit each individual operator and application.
  • The “L” shaped rotational arm allows easy access to any work surface, including upside down, in a comfortable work position.
  • Unlimited rotation on Y + Z axes.
  • Easy to program with quick and easy downloading of any stored program (100 programs). Move to desired position and press the programming button. The position is stored in memory. Repeat the procedure to the last position in the work sequence.
  • Available in 6 standard load classes: 150, 300, 750, 1500, 3000, 6045kgs.
  • Short set up time.

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