Drum Rim Remove Tool De-Header

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Drum De-Header Tools are used to remove the lid and bottom plate from steel drums.

These are a basic and inexpensive solution to remove the lid from the drum.

Once the lid is removed operators have easy access to the contents of the drum.

Once the lid and the base are removed the body can be flattened for disposal or recycling.

Below are accessory tools to assist with keeping the drum rim straight, to remove the bungs or to remove kinks in the drum.

Additional Information

We offer a variety of Drum Tools:

Drum Chime De-Kinker

This product is perfect for returning dented chimes to their original contours. It simplifies de-heading and is incredibly beneficial. It also features strong clamping power with little operator effort required.

Universal Drum Wrench

This wrench is a heavy-duty alternative. It easily opens all known style bungs and fittings on a drum.  Its 450mm cranked handle also reduces any possible hand injuries. We offer these wrenches in a ductile iron or a nonferrous bronze design.

Drum Lid Lifter

This product is the quick and effective solution to removing drum heads that have been amended by Wizard F or H de-headers. It has been manufactured in a tough design that features changeable jaws which are constructed in heat-treated tool-quality steel. Its added 405mm long lifter is brilliant for leveraging.

View our Manual De-Header for an alternative drum handling option.

Product Variations

Image Description Product Code Price (excl. GST)  

Wizard drum chime de-kinker


Wizard drum bung tool


Wizard drum bung tool (non-ferrous bronze)


Wizard drum head lifter


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