Products / Pallet Transfer Stations

Pallet Transfer Stations

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Our Columbia Pallet Load Transfer Station (LTS) allows you to transfer a variety of goods and products from one pallet to another. Ideal for both receiving and shipping applications, this innovative system increases productivity while reducing labour and shipping costs. 

Employing a Columbia Pallet LTS at any workplace will ensure the well-being of warehouse personnel and facilitate the overall cleanliness of plants and processing plants. This unit guarantees efficient and dynamic transporting of cases, bags, pails, glass vials, cartons, boxes, sacks and heavy drums (etc.). Additionally, it streamlines warehouse processes and maintains a high quality of all goods inwards and outwards.

This product is a safety revolution. Load Transfer Stations are proven to be faster, safer and more efficient than load inverters. They require no strenuous lifting of pallets, feature a machine mounted guarding and are a quick processing unit.

Additional Information

Columbia Pallet Load Transfer Stations are safer and faster than load inverters. 

These systems are perfect for food processing, supermarket and retail distribution centres, as well as pharmaceutical, warehousing and distribution industries. They are capable of transferring a variety of goods to other pallets, including plastic, CHEP and GMA. A variety of models are available to automate your processes, but all LTS products improve workplace safety.


  • Eliminate injury to warehouse personnel;
  • Improve plant process cleanliness;
  • Streamline plant and warehouse operations;
  • Reduce shipping costs;
  • Less wear and tear of lift trucks;
  • Easy to operate.

LTS Graphic Image


Model Description Load Capacity Unit Weight Emergency Stops
LTS Standard LTS 1800 kg 2900 kg 3
LTSC LTS with Pallet Cart 1600 kg 3175 kg 3
LT35 Pallet to Pallet Transfer 1580 kg 2900 kg 3
LTSPD LTS with Pallet Dispenser 1600 kg 4535 kg 3
LTSPDOC LTS with Pallet Dispenser and Outfeed Cart 1600 kg 4535 kg 5
LTSPDICOC Fully Automatic LTS 1600 kg 6800 kg + 5 +

Standard LTS (Code: LTS)

This unit is made up of a frame, receiving deck and transfer plate. It can be accessed from two sides for loading or three sides for unloading. Hydraulic and electrical components are self-contained. The integral pallet up-stacker will accept up to 20 standard pallets and the machines cycle time is less than 60 seconds.

Columbia Load Transfer Stations LTS main

LTS Load Transfer Station

LTS with Pallet Cart (Code: LTSC)

This particular model features an LTS with the addition of a pallet cart. When using this device, the driver places the pallet load onto the receiving deck and pulls the overhead cord to activate the transfer process. Goods can be loaded either side and unloaded from three sides, with the transfer cycle completed in 30 seconds.

Columbia Load Transfer Stations LTS C main

LTSC Load Transfer Station

Pallet to Pallet Transfer LT (Code: LT35)

This particular model is ideal for transferring wood to plastic or aluminium pallets. The total transfer cycle is completed in less than 60 seconds, and the LT35 can be loaded from either side and unloaded from three sides. It can be fitted with drop-in deck shims to accommodate different pallet heights.

Columbia Load Transfer Stations LTS 35 main

LT35 Load Transfer Station

LTS with Pallet Dispenser (Model: LTSPD)

This unit is made up of a standard LTS, pallet cart and sideloads pallet dispenser. The forklift driver loads a stack of pallets into the dispenser, which automatically places the pallet onto the pallet cart. By placing the load onto the receiving deck and pulling a cord, the transfer cycle is completed in under 60 seconds.

Columbia Load Transfer Stations LTS PD main

LTSPD Load Transfer Station

LTS with Pallet Dispenser and Outfeed Cart (Model: LTSPDOC)

The LTSPDOC model includes a Load Transfer Station, with 3 chain pallet carts and a pallet dispenser outfeed card. It operates in a similar way as the LTSPD model, with the addition of an automatic discharge where the load is transferred away from the machine.

Columbia Load Transfer Stations LTS PD OC main

LTSPDOC Load Transfer Station

Fully Automatic LTS (Model: LTSPDICOC)

The most advanced unit out of all our Load Transfer Stations, the LTSPDICOC is a fully automatic LTS system. It combines a Load Transfer Station with a pallet stacker, pallet dispenser, infeed conveyor and powered outfeed cart. It is hydraulically activated and automatically holds up to 12 pallets.

Columbia Load Transfer Stations LTS PD IC OC main

LTSPDICOC Load Transfer Station

Optional extra’s can be customised to each Load Transfer Station like a Climate Control Package, Automatic Pallet Height Adjustment, Deck Shim Kit, Pallet Cart Shim Kit, Stainless Steel paint for wash down, 3-way handling of outbound loads and Automatic Load Placement/Adjustment.

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Product Variations

Image Description Product Code Price (excl. GST)  

Standard Load Transfer Station


Load Transfer Station with Cart


Load Transfer Station with Pallet Dispenser


Load Transfer Station fully automatic


Load Transfer Station with Pallet Dispenser and Outfeed Cart


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