Lightweight Crane Systems Altrac

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Our Lightweight Aluminium Crane System is ideal for full work station coverage.

The Altrac rail weighs less than 7kg per metre and it is lightweight, strong high tensile strength tested to Australian Crane Code AS1418.

Australian manufactured Altrac has been designed for ease of installation as a bolt together system with cost effective modular assembly, providing time saving on installation and maintenance. No special assembly tools are required so there is no need for welders or special widgets.

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The unique design of the six-wheel trolleys allows them to run smoothly even when the gantry cross travel beam is slewed to one side or moving around a bend. This means the trolleys won’t stick or require additional effort from the crane operator. This system can accommodate up to 1000kg MRC and partner with any type of lifting mechanism. manual, electric, pneumatic, vacuum or any of our Intelligent Lifting Devices. The self cleaning surface of the track does not become contaminated, by the build up of dirt and rust making it ideal for food, beverage and pharmaceutical applications.

May be supplied in curved sections to suit applications as a monorail or gantry crane.  High quality product finish does not require surface coating so there is no flaking of materials e.g. paint, on to areas below. Roof mounting a gantry crane also keeps floor space clear for trucks or forklifts while still allowing materials to be moved long distances in any direction. Adaptable and extendible Altrac track may be added to at a later date with the use of a splice kit

The aesthetically pleasing smooth lines allow it be used in architectural design for building projects

  • Gantry cranes, freestanding or ceiling mounted
  • Jib cranes, freestanding or wall & column mounted
  • Monorails may be supplied in curved sections to suit application
  • Fall arrest rails

StrongBac Upgrade for Altrac Rail
By bolting the lightweight StrongBac truss to the top of the Altrac rail the capacities of our light crane systems can be considerably improved. The “LP” (5mm, low profile) or the HL (50mm high load) spacing modules, improve the capacities according to the charts on this page.

Altrac Fall Arrest Rail Systems
The Altrac rail, plus the 500kg capacity trolley, conforms to AS 1891.2 for horizontal lifeline & rail systems. They are rated at 15kn for single person & 21kn for dual persons applications.


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