Workplace Safety Equipment

It’s no question – safety in the workplace benefits employers and employees.  As certified representatives of AS4801, we believe in the necessity of safe working practices and ensure our products deliver the best result for all involved.

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In order for any safety ambition to be successful, all facets of an organisation need to be committed.  By implementing a safety management system into your workplace, employees can be protected from accidents and risks can be reduced.  

Introducing equipment that makes working safer and easier can have positive effects on your organisation. Not only will employees feel better and confident in handling their jobs, but tasks will be more efficient, productive and profitable.  This life-protecting equipment will reduce hazards and optimise procedures.

Our wide range of products ensures safety is accounted for in all aspects.  We make certain that people understand the best working practices from the moment they step foot in your organisation, all the way to their exit.  Safety is what we do best and our qualifications in the field support this. Some products you’ll find include Floor Markers, Anti-Slip Products, Collision Alert Systems, Convex Mirrors, Dangerous Goods Storage, Personal Protective Equipment, Marking Tapes, Portable and Fixed Safety Signs, Safety Barriers, Spill Containment and Recovery, Hazard Warning and Traffic Control.

By investing in safety, you’re investing in the future of your company. Ensure workers return home safely, fulfil legal and health obligations and avoid injuries/sickness by upgrading your equipment.  The money devoted to safety is covered by the savings in risks, productivity and prosecutions.  Contact us for more information on this topic.  We’re happy to discuss your safety needs.


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