Giving the gift of Christmas
Materials Handling has supported Greenslopes Private Hospital and St Vincent de Paul by donating gift cards as part of the charity’s Christmas Appeal.
By donating to this cause, over 50 families in the Mount Gravatt, Annerley and Holland Park areas will be able to experience the true spirit of this festival season.
A tradition at the hospital for the past 22-years, our loyal partnership has allowed them to continue their work especially during a year that has brought hardship and grief to many. Millions of Australian families spend Christmas in poverty. National President of St Vincent de Paul Society, Claire Victory, spoke about how this year has been particularly tough for Australians due to the pandemic.
“Job losses, business closures and reduced working hours have placed many communities under an increased financial strain,” Ms Victory said.
“The Federal Government has reduced the Coronavirus supplement and it will drop again early next year, plunging many more people into poverty, and other supports such as the moratorium on evictions are also being lifted in some states. Even without border closures and travel restrictions, many people in our community find Christmas to be a particularly lonely time of year due to social isolation.”

Frank Ford (from St Vinnies) and Cath Steward, Chris Went (CEO), Ellie Sacre, Terry McLaren and Grant Eekhoff (from Greenslopes Private Hospital).
Every year, Materials Handling and Australian communities assist the St Vinnies Christmas Appeal by donating to those who have fallen on hard times. Ms Victory said COVID-19 has made it harder for St Vinnies to meet the needs of the people it serves, especially with restrictions and social distancing requirements.
“Belts have tightened around the nation, and our committed volunteers have been prevented from helping because of COVID risks. During the lockdown, many Vinnies shops across Australia had to close or reduce their operations, reducing our ability to generate funds to distribute to people in need,” said Ms Victory.
“This year’s campaign has been launched at the end of a year many would rather forget. But with your help, we will be able to make this festive season that little bit brighter for people in our community who are doing it particularly tough.”
The St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia has over 60,000 members and volunteers who operate in over 1,000 groups located in local communities across the country. With the assistance of Greenslopes Private Hospital, the gift cards donated by Materials Handling will allow families to purchase essential items and food. Donations can help provide families with comfort and security this Christmas.
To donate to the 2020 Vinnies Christmas Appeal, visit their website or call 13 18 12.