Gas Cylinder Storage Cages Aluminium

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Those 100% welded aluminium lockers are manufactured to comply with AS 4332 – 2004, for the safe storage and handling of LPG and compressed gases in cylinders.

The “no rust” solution gives an organised look to the expanded multi-cabinet storage range. These lockers offer superior features that make them extremely durable and easy-to-use.


Product Variations

Image Description Product Code Price (excl. GST)  

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
6-cylinder vertical

M23002 $1,939.00

Aerosol storage cage
30-50 Cans

M23201 $1,380.00

Aerosol storage cage
50-100 Cans

M23202 $2,031.00

Aerosol storage cage
40-60 Cans

M23203 $1,718.00

Aerosol storage cage
10-20 Cans

M23204 $1,178.00

Aerosol storage cage
150-200 Cans

M23205 $2,138.00

Aerosol storage cage
350-400 Cans

M23206 $2,578.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
Flammable Gas

M23006 $2,019.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
Oxygen and Inert Gas

M23006OIG $2,019.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
Flammable Gas

M23007 $3,398.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
Oxygen and Inert Gas

M23007OIG $3,398.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
Combination Locker Vertical 5 -10 Cylinders and Vertical 8 Cylinders

M23008 $3,493.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
4-cylinder vertical LPG Four 15 Kg cylinders

M23009 $1,646.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
8-cylinder vertical LPG Eight 15 Kg cylinders

M23010 $2,182.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
16 -cylinder vertical LPG Sixteen 15 Kg cylinders

M23011 $3,564.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
2-cylinder vertical LPG Two 15kg cylinders

M23012 $1,399.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
Flammable Gas

M23014 $1,712.00

Aluminium gas cylinder cage
Oxygen and Inert Gas

M23014OIG $1,712.00

Fuel sign for cage


Oxygen sign for cage


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